Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Kabbalah Centre publishes "Chumash"
The Chumash is edited by Yehuda Berg, Rav Berg and Karen Berg's son.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
God's names
Interestingly, these names are all in Hebrew - Kabbalah is based in the Jewish religion, and as with the whole basic framework of all the major works of Judaism, are in Hebrew.
Monday, 8 December 2008
Details on Kabbalah
The Kabbalah Centers around the world offer courses and lectures on Kabbalah, and they also have online content that is available through their sites as well as published material.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
The question...
I have questions about life and I do not know where to look for the answers. The easiest thing to do is simply sit at home, log in to the internet and find the sites that can offer me some quiet contemplation. Anyone know about the study of Kabbalah online - and more importantly, whether it can help understand life?
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
The Light Center of Kabbalah
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Kabbalah centers on Zohar
The problem is that this text is in Hebrew, or even worse, Aramaic - so there is no way to understand. The good thing is that if you are looking for anything today, you simply go and online and research it. There aren't any translations that I know of, but places like the Kabbalah Center (The one with Rav Berg and his wife Karen and his kids Michael and Yehuda Berg) offer classes in English on Kabbalah.
So, Kabbalah centers on the Zohar and other foreign language texts, but there are people - like at the Kabbalah Centre - who will do the work of translating and explaining it.
Monday, 13 October 2008
Opening Worlds
The Kabbalah Center has opened the world of the Kabbalah to the public who cannot understand the classic Hebrew and Aramaic texts of the Kabbalah. Rav Berg has studied and continues to study the original Kabbalah texts, in the original Hebrew and Aramaic, and through the Kabbalah Center which he founded, he disseminates this content to anyone who so desires to study it. The Kabbalah Centre is run by Rav Berg together with his wife, Karen Berg, and also his two sons. For anyone toying with entry into the world of Kabbalah, it is essential that the Kabbalah Center be considered.
Friday, 26 September 2008
Kabbalah is an intellectual pursuit
The field of Kabbalah is a prime example of an intellectual pursuit that has engaged humanity throughout our known history. The Kabbalah texts we have today have existed for over 2000 years, while the Kabbalah itself as a science and field of study has been existence for over 4000 years. Aside from a rich history and the deepest dimensions of thought and investigation, the Kabbalah is an entire world of ethics and morality which enriches whoever comes into contact with it, ask anyone who has attended lectures and classes at the Kabbalah Center for their impressions of Kabbalah in this respect.
Monday, 15 September 2008
The pursuit of knowledge and intellectual accomplishment has stood at the center of society throughout the ages, and this is something which has improved society and urged change and advancement. While the existence of an independent academia has been prevalent in societies across the globe, often it is the intellectual establishment that provides the leadership – both lay and religious – that stands at the helm. Religious leadership has flourished in different societies. Of course, there are those where it flourished more, and other cultures where is flourished less. Look at the flourishing of the Kabbalah Centre, for an example of something that has flourished in our times.