Saturday, 1 November 2008

Kabbalah centers on Zohar

A bunch of my friends have told me that the central text of the Kabbalah is the Zohar. This is an ancient work written by a Jewish Sage over 1800 years ago, and it forms the basis for the Kabbalah.

The problem is that this text is in Hebrew, or even worse, Aramaic - so there is no way to understand. The good thing is that if you are looking for anything today, you simply go and online and research it. There aren't any translations that I know of, but places like the Kabbalah Center (The one with Rav Berg and his wife Karen and his kids Michael and Yehuda Berg) offer classes in English on Kabbalah.

So, Kabbalah centers on the Zohar and other foreign language texts, but there are people - like at the Kabbalah Centre - who will do the work of translating and explaining it.